I meant Ankit's hot chicks. Erm.
We arrived in the middle of this dance..
The prasad: Raisins, nuts and rock sugar
Then the boxes of sticks were brought out.
After this point, the picture quality goes pretty downhill but at least still a little visible.
From this (Ankit's camera)
To this (my phone's cam)
Very lawa baju!
After the first dance, there was a break for dinner. Mark left to go back to ubd, and CP and I weren't hungry (after Cikgu Jalilah's open house), so we went back to the hall to wait. And take pictures...
With the banner and sticks
Of ourselves.
Of our fingers. Jobless.
By the time the next dance started, a lot of people had gone home, probably because it's Sunday night, but still enough to dance :) Halfway through CP escaped from the ring and took pictures :D
The one and only dancing lungiman!
Me dancing with Manu's mom
Very Hyper Guy in the maroon baju!
Me and Very Hyper Guy
Survived Very Hyper Guy :D
The guy in the yellow baju seemed a bit scared of the sticks
The pink arrow guy can shake his head while dancing some more!
Amazing how no one got hurt with so many hyper people and sticks flying all over the place. Well almost no one. Ankit accidentally stomped on my bare foot halfway through :-( The last 2 toes have been declared missing.
Keeping my feet safely away from Ankit...
Many tanks to Ankit for his nice pics :-)