Very random bunch of pictures in very un-chronological order. While I still have access to a PC :P The first one is from the assessment test week. The poor kids can't leave their place from anything between 30 mins to an hour. No storybooks allowed, no drawing, no talking, no fidgeting, no anything even remotely entertaining. And most of them finish their tests in 10 mins. And get creative!
Very Bored.
Next is seashells from a trip to Muara beach with Basit. The beach was full of driftwood and not very lawa. Didn't take any pictures since I'd stupidly left my phone in the car. So sayang cos while walking along the shore, we came across a shell with the inhabitant intact and crawling around on long, creepy-looking legs!
And we found what Basit insists is a human bone (the thicker bit between wrist and elbow..radius kah?) which he flung back to sea. Eee. It wasn't a totally creepy trip though, as we were leaving, we saw fireworks..from a cruise ship which had just left the port! Macam movie!
Huge seashell the size of my hand!
And huge seashell decorated with smaller seashells, blur stars and nail polish! It currently hangs from my front door from a pretty, silvery iPod earphone wire :P
Another superlong seashell...can even lawan my superlong finger!
Makes mine look quite stubby!
And here are the not-so-stubby fingers redeeming themselves below. With pretty nail extensions!
The thumb looks like a Thai dancer's finger :P
Next is from when I went to Big Papa's to finish marking my piles of Assessment papers. And ordered a Milo Panas and some new dessert thingie from Japan called a 'crepe'. So I ordered a Chocolate Crepe.
Which turned out to be Dosai.
With Chocolate sauce. Aiyoooo!
Mary's shoes make a comeback!
Black velvet with a gorgeous heel!
So cheery!And from Chinese New Year, here's a picture from Mark's house.
A Framed Dog.
What's so special about it?
It's made from....
Real hair!!!
Also two turtles under Mark's coffee table...
And their respective turtle bums.
From January, near St. George's School...
A Christmas tree (it lights up)
Made from empty bottles. Wah!
Back to CNY...a pair of baby oranges, which I placed side by side. It looked like one orange was holding their other because of the curvy leaf. So romantic!
Second last is a random picture of Basit. Which turned out looking a bit like one of those shots of nocturnal creatures in National Geographic hehe :)
And lastly to conclude a superlong blog post,
A homesick lungi.