…was yesterday. And I only knew because they announced it during the assembly.
And then later with Google’s green green logo.
Sooooo for my bit, I followed this tutorial and made
Paper bags from newspapers!
Cute eh? Eh eh? *elbow nudge*
I mean, who doesn’t want to carry around Calvin and Hobbes?
Awwww =)
Anddddd I planted the curry leaf plant thingie sitting in the vase behind my newspaper bags!
I can has curry leaf plant. <3
We’ll have to see how this turns out though. My parents are blessed with green thumbs (or fingers?) but green things wither and die when I merely glance at them.
In other GREEEEEEEEEN news, check out this guy! He plants pretty flowers in potholes.
Awww again!
Oklah not really to save the environment but more to nag the government to fill them pothole :P
The latest in my long, long list of Facebook addictions is Social City, where you basically build your own city with
parks and various amusement centres for your residents
with money made from your factories.
Pretty routine stuff. Until the day the Water Tower arrived.
With a lone chap sitting on it. People wondered if he was alright up there.
Till a coupla days later (whew, talk about girls taking ages to get ready!) he was joined by a young lady.
Everything seemed fine, the flowers bloomed brighter, the fountains danced
till SUDDENLY!!!
Disaster struck!
And she slipped off the edge!
But he grabbed her hand just in time!
And so they swung there for a coupla more days
in spite of the fire station I had built, where the firemen were manically scrubbing their fire truck.
At long last, help arrived!
But in the true fashion of Social City, the chopper too hovered for several days
till it ran out of fuel and crashed, killing everyone.
The End.
Haha no lah =)
She was rescued. And he was left on top of the tower..
..weeping silently for his lost love.
The End. (the REAL ending =P)
Though it makes one wonder, which would have been the less cruel ending? ;-)